Non-convex polyhedra are the opposite of
convex polyhedra. This means that non-convex polyhedra (or concave
polyhedra) are more or less star shaped. If you connect a string
between two vertexes of a solid than it is possible this string is
running through the air.
Non-convex polyhedra are often beautiful
solids. At first they seems to be quite complicated but if you deep
further into this material you will see that there is a overlap with
the convex polyhedra.
A few puzzles are even based upon non-convex
Polyhedra You will find here
the four Kepler-Poinsot polyhedra: the Great dodecahedron, the
great icosahedron and then great and small star dodecahedron.
polyhedra Uniform
are all those polyhedra who are formed by regular polygons,
are half-regular, but not convex. A total of 85 has been
described. |
polyhedra By combining two
or more polyhedra to one solid, you can get the most extraordinary
and beautiful polyhedra. In this chapter you will find some
examples of these 'compound polyhedra'
Stellations Stellating
is the process of making the faces of a polyhedron longer, so
it will become a star. In some polyhedra this is not possible,
but in others you can get marvelous stars. |
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