This is one of the most simple
construction puzzles there is. This puzzle consist of three pieces. This puzzle
is an important base for other puzzles.

Three of the three pieces of
the puzzle are identical, The third part, with the round rod, is the key part.
This piece has to turn first before the other two pieces can be taken out of the
puzzle. This principle is used in other puzzles such as the Pagode and
the Ball in the Cage puzzle. This puzzle can be made easily. Take a beam with a
triangle diameter. Draw the patterns of the pieces on the wood. In the picture
below you can see how the pieces have to be made. If you saw the key piece you
have to saw the round rod very roughly and file and sane it round. This cost
time but the result is very good. Constructing the puzzle isn't difficult, So
you have to find the solution on your own. Besides you get the most satisfaction
out of a puzzle if you solve it on your self.