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Design by Dan Feldman

This is a simple puzzle made out of twelve pieces of wood. The puzzle is formed by six pairs of two pieces, a light and a dark rod. These two pieces are hooked to each other like a cross. The six crosses can be constructed to the puzzle shown below. The last cross has to finish the construction through a turning movement. When you look at the puzzle you can imagine a cube in the middle of the puzzle. The crosses are covered the surfaces of this cube. This given is important, because it will be used by other cage puzzles like Orion and Cassiopeia.

This puzzle can of course be made of one kind of wood, but the appearance of the puzzle is much better if you use two contrasting types. There are two different pieces, six of each. The pieces are each other mirror images. The dimensions of the rods are 2 x 2 x 10 units. Each rod has three notches of 2 x 2 x 1 units. and can be sawn with a jigsaw. The distance between the notches is not a fixed dimension but can be varied.


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