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Draw on the beams the pieces whit pencil. You can use the diagrams below. Drawing the pieces must be done with the most possible precision. As you can see there are ten possible pieces. Theoretically it is possible to form the puzzle out of 30 F-pieces, but to construct the puzzle will need thirty hands. The design which is used here needs the next pieces: one A-piece, four B-pieces, six D-pieces, nine E-pieces, five F-pieces, four I-pieces and one J-piece. 

If you make this puzzle you can use a metal saw or a jigsaw. Never saw over the saw lines but always beside the lines. After sawing a notch you have to file as long as the puzzle fits nice. If all 30 pieces are made you can oil or varnish the puzzle. Sometimes it is necessary to sand the puzzle after varnishing.

Design Graph

For an explanation about the use of this design graph click here.


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