The following puzzle is easy
to make by yourself. Although there is one unique solution for this puzzle, this
not hard to find, because this puzzle has only four pieces. The example below is
made of two different types of wood. The puzzle becomes more difficult if you
use just one type of wood, because it is less clear at which position the pieces
are placed.

For making this puzzle you need
sixteen sticks of 2x2x8 units. In the example above you need eight sticks of a
light color and eight of a darker color. glue the sticks together to four groups
of four sticks according to the diagram below. Then you have four different

If you watch closely to the upper
figure and compare the colors of the cube to the colors of the different pieces
it is not hard to find out where the pieces must be placed. To construct the
puzzle you must make two pairs of two pieces which can be shuffle into each
other to form a cube.