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Design by Peter Query

The design of this puzzle is a combination of the rattle puzzles and the Orion puzzle. The puzzle looks most like the latter, this is logical because Taurus is also based on the rhombic dodecahedron. The puzzle is completely made out of round bars. 

Total  you need 24 rods for this puzzle. Twelve rods with a diameter of 2 cm and twelve rods with a diameter of 8 mm. The length of every rod is 11 cm. All rods with a diameter of 2 cm have three holes. These holes are drilled in a specific angle. So you have to drill slanted if you want to make this puzzle and that is not simple. You can use two methods: In the first method you have to calculate the middle of the holes very precisely on the front- and the back side. So total you have to draw six dots. Then you can drill the holes very careful. In the second method you fixate the pieces in a drill stand with help pieces.


The diagrams of this puzzle are shown below. The exact dimensions between the holes is not essential but the outer holes must have the same distance to the middle hole. The most middle hole must be drilled exactly in the middle of the rod. The angle of the outer holes is 60°, The one of the middle hole is 70,5°. 

If all holes are drilled you can put the puzzle together. If you want to make the puzzle a bit more difficult, you can glue some pins into the bigger rods according to the diagram below.


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